Queen Amina of Zaria: The legendary warrior queen of West Africa Anténor Firmin: Haitian anthropologist Reclaiming Narratives: The theme of Black History Month 2024 Professor Dame Elizabeth Anionwu: A trailblazer in sickle cell research and advocacy International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition: A day to reflect and educate Features Afro-Caribbean religions: Voodoo, Santería, and Obeah Mata Hari: The life and times of a legendary spy Sandra Bland: A life and legacy in the fight for racial justice The unstoppable Wilma Rudolph: A legacy of speed and resilience World historyThe Freedom Riders: A challenge to segregation in America ColonisationThe History of Curaçao World historyChad’s Civil Wars ColonisationThe history of the Republic of Chad: From pre-colonisation to independence Popular cultureThe Causeway Green Race Riots of 1949 World culturesJamaican culture: A vibrant tapestry of heritage and innovation My Country The history of Burkina Faso: From colonisation to independence The history of Martinique The Stono Rebellion: America’s largest slave uprising The birth of Pakistan: A nation’s journey to independence My Culture Emancipation Day: A celebration of freedom in the Caribbean The essence of France: Exploring French values What is French culture? Multicultural London English: Evolution from cockney to a global linguistic mosaic History The 1832 Paris Uprising The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 The Moors: A confluence of Arab and Berber heritage The 1967 Detroit Riots: A watershed moment in American history
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition: A day to reflect and educate